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Anyone who has read my books realizes that a territory dragon is more like a king than anything else. Yet a territory dragon is held to a set of rules by the continental council. The council is answerable to the planet. In that way, there is accountability, but the system of government is definitely not like anything here. Some people have said it is more like a medieval European system…
Read MoreTrissy’s family was essentially wiped out by an illness that went through their Woodsman group killing all but 4 people, the two male cousins, Trissy and Jenny. Jenny age 2, was still weak and sick and the cousins tried to convince Trissy to leave her behind. They were convinced she was going to die anyway, and they couldn’t stand to remain any longer. Trissy sent them on after they helped…
Read MoreIn the green sky world of NewEarth there are some fun beasts and birds that Athena my artist did a fantastic job of depicting. There is the puton, a large cat like creature, that is a top of the food-chain hunter. The fanger is like a wild boar, only bigger, and it eats everything and anything and will charge movement. Pinarts are mountain and forest predators. The bentar is a…
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