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As I was building Gordon as a character I wanted someone taller, thicker, physically powerful, imposing, cranky, and psychically so strong that he inspires fear in others. I wanted him to be an obvious leader, but the kind others appreciate at a safe distance, not up close and personal. I built him to be smart, casually in tune with the world around him in a way that mystified others. But…
Read MoreI don’t know what it feels like in other people’s brains, but I have a switch in mine. When I am working on serious issues, focused on life and living, and not writing; that switch is hard off. Sometimes I feel like I have to hold it down so I can concentrate on things that need my attention. Then magic of magic, the day finally comes where I can flip…
Read MoreWriting is a labor of love, a chance to share the best of my imagination and make one of my stories come to life. I love rough drafting the story, getting to flesh out ideas, build up characters, direct the action, and get surprised by the people I created. So many parts of writing are fun and fulfilling. Editing is amazing watching this rough model of what you wanted get…
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