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One of the best parts of starting something new is the absolute confusion. The need to learn a thousand new things all at once and knowing it is impossible. So you have a small window with permission to ask away, make mistakes and shrug when it comes to light. after all you are new. Not knowing the rules, being new is something I cover in my stories. There are new…
Read MoreI choose to find the good. It sounds simple and clean, but of course it isn’t. I write fairytales, not because I can’t see the bad, or because I think I am magically protected from it, but because bad is there. People need hope, they need to see the good. Once you start looking for good, you see it everywhere. However when you focus your energy on the negative forces…
Read MoreRecently I have been working in sales. As a writer, working in sales is amazing, you see and learn so much about humans and what drives them in all their moods. But seriously, the most mind bending thing I learned was not to try so hard. Any one who knows me, knows that I am a work-a-holic. I make things happen, I speak them into existence, I stay up all…
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