NewEarth Series - Cabin and Nest

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New Equipment

By CTCadmin | May 21, 2018
NewEarth - Human Symbol

It is entirely a human concern, the excitement and dread of getting new equipment. Most of us have experienced having to learn a new way of doing something with a new tool. I can remember wishing I could use the old word processessor. My last vacuum had different buttons and I could find them in the dark, while this new one makes no sense. The remote on my old system…

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Cows and Egrets

By CTCadmin | May 14, 2018

My poor husband was peacefully enjoying a smoke on the porch in the early morning and spotted some large white birds walking in the pasture with the cows. They were at a good distance and without binoculars in hand, he was not sure what kind of birds they were. We later got them in our sights and made sure, but our combined opinion was they are egrets. There were three…

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Rows and Stories

By CTCadmin | May 11, 2018

Planting a garden is a lot like building a plot for a story. You first smooth everything out, fertilize, work your soil, germinate ideas, plow things up, pullout rocks and sticks and set the rows. Then you start planting, mindful of what helps and what hurts, where you put things last year and always considering that the small plant or seed is going to be different from the full grown…

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