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One of the hardest things that we found about relocating is finding new stomping grounds. You have to find a new coffee house, a new lunch place, a favorite table at the library. There is a spot that has pie and ice cream and another that is good for pastry and cake. Chances are there is a bread bakery, Jewish deli and probably a European place to eat with old…
Read MoreWe were watching a movie, mostly in an attempt to keep my inner bitch contained while we wait. I am not the best at waiting, especially when things are running behind. At the moment we are waiting on my editor, the arrival of the modem, the working internet to finalize arrangements for a trip, results for the dogs latest medical testing… Back to the calf, we were watching a movie…
Read MoreShawn and I were standing at the front door watching the storm when lightning hit the house on Thursday morning. We jumped, poor Jerhro jumped and the cows huddled in the corner jumped. Every hair stood on end and we all looked somewhat ridiculous as the power flashed out. We were lucky, the house is grounded. There was only a little electrical damage, a phone and modem fried as did…
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