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As a writer, I read a lot and quickly. Last night I spent a couple of hours reading Flint of Dreams, available on Amazon, by Charles Peterson Sheppard. It is a lengthy book so I am not done, but so far it is a gritty, psychic story set in our own flawed world with lots of action, twists, turns and unexpected points of hope cast in the darkness of despair.…
Read MoreFrom our house to yours, may you have a fun filled summer, with flowers, fruits and bounty filling up your door. Happy Solstice! Happy Summer! Happy Long Days!
Read MoreWhen I was a kid growing up in Rogers Park in Chicago there was a yearly fundraiser and activity that my entire family participated in. It was the carnival. My mother sold ride tickets, my father ran a game and as we grew up we went from assisting my dad to running our own gaming booth. As kids it was great fun, the lights, glitz, jingle and shouting. The smell…
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