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Like most writers I love books, I read books, lots of books, all kinds of books. To be clear I buy books. Old books, used books, new books, I get books in lots of places. Today I stopped by a half price book store. Yes some of the books are new, some are used, some have been previously sniffed. I was standing by the registers, my dad was actually paying…
Read MoreGrabon and the other dragons aim snot at one another and their human friends in a display of disgust and disagreement in a hard snort. This is an action that elicits a strong reaction from female dragons, non fighting male dragons, and most humans. But imagine if they had a sinus infection and the snot thickened. Yes that would make a gross expression of disgust so much worse. Knowing that…
Read MoreLike so many people who have lived in masks for the last couple of years, I have avoided many illnesses. For weeks I have been scheduled to meet with a new doctor because my new insurance will not cover my old doctor since I changed networks. So I was anticipating a visit, made arrangements etc. for a Thursday afternoon appointment, not too disruptive for my schedule. Ah but fate, the…
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