Different Places

As an American, I have have lived in six different states, visited 40 others, and missed a few as we flew past or didn’t get a chance to stop. I have not yet ventured off North America, but I know many people who started somewhere else and came here for work, play, seeking something different, safer, or more freedom. Everywhere I lived was different, every person I speak with is different, our priorities are different, but our hopes for a better future are pretty universal.

I work hard to bring that understanding to my characters, knowing that different is not wrong, it is not suspicious, it is merely different. In The Hunter a reader can find plenty of differences in Mox, an a usual healer, with difficult talent to manage. However, Brom has even more differences having chosen to raise his youngster in Grabon’s territory, embrace humans as equals, and changed his view of the world. They may not be like other dragons in other places, but they belong in the Combined Territories, and they are appreciated for what they bring to everyone.

In Jommy’s Flights, she comes from a different continent, with different rules, different expectations. In her mind, she is a runaway slave, a worker who dared to fly across with two water youngsters. On one continent she is a hero, on the other a dragon waiting to be worked to death. To embrace the opportunity for a new life, she must set aside her old beliefs and adopt new ones. What was true in one place is not true in the new one and it confuses her heart and mind in unexpected ways.

To find out more about these amazing characters, visit Amazon. 😁

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