The dragons and humans of NewEarth are affected by many of the same ailments. Due to physiological differences, there are some variations, but for the most part, germs pass from one species to the other with no difficulty. The cures are the same, the healers of both species can work across species lines, as do the medicines. All that shows much of the similarities.
Abuse is pervasive in both species, and the trauma response is similar, although not identical. The victims of abuse either survive or they don’t, many are blamed for their own abuse, others are not. It is not so different from the world I see every day. The big difference is that I created people is powerful positions that don’t seek to hide or shame the victims into pretend recovery. Instead the leaders accept the people as they are and help them find ways to contribute to the greater good, giving them the freedom to process and heal from what hurt them.
It has occurred to me that our societies on old earth are not good at allowing people to heal. Look around and think about how often we are expected to mask our pain, our injury, and continue for the comfort of others. Go back to work, answer work calls while in the hospital, the demands are relentless. There are even people who cut their grief leave short for a company that does not care about them. People don’t get better that way. We all know that.
Humans and dragons need time to be, to sit and think, to examine their own feelings and thoughts. It is something that has been lost in the hassle and Bussone of our modern life. Bigger brains than mine will find solutions eventually, but until then, read your way to a happy place. You deserve it.
Happy reading!