
As we sort and shift through goods and items no longer in use, we look for those whose needs might well be met with what we have. Today we made a donation to a senior community and memory care center. They need all kinds of things, and I volunteered to read my books to the clients. Loneliness is the enemy of so many older folks. They crave interaction, entertainment, and feeling useful.

As someone who has lived well and hopes to live long, I hope I am not lonely at the end of my days, and if I am, I hope people step up and come to visit. So we are going to step up for others, as much and as often as we can as we look forward to our busy complicated lives. So read books, write reviews, visit people and build that happy place for yourself, for others, and for everyone.

Read your way to a happy place, and write a review for my books. I promise to do a happy dance. 😁