Reading and Dreaming

Well I try to take some time each day, aside from the news, mail, social media, professional sorts of things. I take some time for fiction, to fill up my dream world, to sink into a character, to fall into a story, to get lost beyond my own life into something else. I choose romances, fantasy, erotica, thrillers, adventure, children’s stories, twisted fairytales, philosophy and humor. I look for the simple, the complex, the different, the classic, and of course the misunderstood.

We watch a little TV, we read a few books a week, we consume stories from all types of sources, told in all kinds of ways. We ruthlessly argue and label fiction anything that is not strictly fact recitation. In our world where the lines between fiction and non fiction are so blurry it is necessary to define that line for ourselves. My husband and I are much stricter than most people. Based on a true story, or a memoirs that loosely resembles the truth- that’s not real. They are simply fictional stories set in our world, following the rules of our society, with some resemblance to fact. That does not make it true!

So we come to the crux of the issue. Is nonfiction truth or simply an opinion or version of truth, a fictional version of fact, set in a real place with real people? Give your opinion, I’d like to know how much fiction you think is allowed in nonfiction.

Read to your happy place and enjoy a fictional escape.❤️😃