The Adventure Continues

I choose to find the good. It sounds simple and clean, but of course it isn’t. I write fairytales, not because I can’t see the bad, or because I think I am magically protected from it, but because bad is there. People need hope, they need to see the good. Once you start looking for good, you see it everywhere. However when you focus your energy on the negative forces all around you, they grow.

Grabon, that wise territory dragon I write about, detects the twisted and wrong thinking of others. Between his abilities and Heron’s they can see a person’s motivations, their memories, their intentions. That gives them the insight they need to judge someone as being too dangerous to let live, or someone who needs some kind of correction. In real life we help one another avoid the pits of negativity.

Over the years Shawn and I have come up with so many ways to say we are avoiding the negative focus. Our adventure continues as we face new challenges. When something goes horribly wrong, at least it isn’t worse. We use language to reset our minds and shift our feet and perception of events. It has helped, as has shared laughter. Dwelling on what is wrong has never solved a problem, but looking for opportunities and cracks of light always gives a sense of hope.

May hope live large in your lives and may it always light your way.


  1. Naomi on February 11, 2022 at 10:51 pm

    Love this…finding the positive and the humor is a real learning curve and requires constant adjustment in thinking and focus…there are times people see my positive in a situation as truly nuts but then things turned out so MUCH better than any other focus would have! Was it good…no but I continue to find that good each day! Be blessed