Alternative Energy

On NewEarth the idea of power and energy comes from the planet. The idea of alternative energy would be human produced to power technology. The irony of course is that I am selling solar power systems in real life, now that I am retired from teaching. Can you imagine Grabon’s response to that?

In another way, all the dragons would be appalled by the condition of our planet. Instead of reversing the damage Humans have done, politicians are hijacking scientists and rewriting the acceptable levels of pollutants, making it seem like we are less polluted, when in fact we have more pollution than ever.

Likely the dragons would find that kind of neglect to be very serious. Most humans agree, the problem as I see it is what can we do? Doing without power is ridiculous, we do not have that kind of dedication here. Imagine how bad the situation was to force The humans of NewEarth to choose to give up technology and basic power in order to preserve environmental security.

As I am editing book 7, I am reminded of the dedication of the dragons to their planet and how neglectful we are to ours. Will we discover a planet B in time? Will you be able to afford a ticket?