New Job

This has been an incredibly busy and fruitful week in lots of amazing ways, but let me tell you about the latest in my new job hunting adventure.

As many know, I am branching out, looking for something less demanding than teaching special education. I am writing, editing and launching books as well as being a resource for my parents. While as a veteran teacher I have a number of highly developed skills, but finding a great application in the corporate world for them requires a mind shift and is a little daunting. During my long and arduous search I have made several discoveries.

Discovery 1, more job leads is not helpful if you have no idea what you can do. Make a list of skills, soft and hard and think about those.

Discovery 2, get out of your own way and narrow down what you like and what you don’t like. Lots of time gets wasted dithering over trying to decide what to follow up on. In the end, apply and apply some more. When you get a call back, then you can decide it is too far or the job is not what you had in mind.

Discovery 3, it is easy to underestimate your skills and undervalue your experiences. Don’t do that to yourself.

Anyway I narrowed and pondered and was finally given a chance to interview for an alternative energy company, the same one that is installing a solar power system on my parents house. It looks like I start in May. Wish me luck.


  1. Tricia Kessie on April 25, 2019 at 11:33 pm

    Got it? Wow! What will you be doing?
    Best of luck!

    • Julia Schmeelk on April 26, 2019 at 10:52 pm

      I am going to be working in Home Depot as a vendor pre-approving people for a solar power system and setting appointments.