
She makes her first appearance in NewEarth 4: Healing. She is human, a distinction that becomes increasingly necessary the farther you get into the series. LeeAnn is a special character because she is emotionally sensitive. She hates the idea of causing pain while she heals, but her energy is so strong that if she uses it at full power, it robs you of breath and leaves you screaming, with tears leaking from your eyes. Fortunately she works fast and what she can heal is remarkable. She demonstrates on injuries and shocks members of the clan. Her healing is limited to organ damage, bone, and flesh injuries and she has some success with infection, but mostly using brews from Griss.

In a territory with fighters, a healer who can mend flesh and bones is invaluable, but of course what she really wants is someone who can heal her friend Golly, the victim of a genetic disorder- giantism.

LeeAnn’s journey to her mate, her friendship with Golly, and her acceptance into the clan is a story that grips your heart. She becomes a perminent character in the series, a contributing member of our combined species clan, and much later a mother to her own youngster.