In the NewEarth Series books, the idea of being deceptive is not necessarily bad. In fact it is considered a talent for some, but a skill that requires practice for everyone. The ability to deceive an enemy is important, to distract from an action, and to distract someone to allow for something else. Treating deception like a skill takes the humans by surprise, but not because it is not a human practice, but because humans place all types of moral judgement on deception.
We all know the person who could not convincingly lie to save their own life, much less someone else’s. On the other hand we all know someone who if they say it is raining I check the window before I consider wearing a rain coat.
Humans are deceptive to get their own way, to entertain themselves, and to prove they are more intelligent. Many times someone has lied to me and I nod and smile while acknowledging to myself that they must think I am beyond stupid. They need to practice their skills, obviously.
On the other hand, I have been lied to by experts and have not known for a long time. I am sure there are lies I never found out about and those are the skills the dragons practice and admire.