Combined Territories

Grabon and Heron’s territories are called that after book 6 when Heron claims the second territory along with a Grabon. The name suits the stories because it is a combined species settlement. It combines languages, cultures, and customs. The market is a cultural exchange where a dragon or human can buy goods- dragon or human made. A shopper can buy food ingredients as well as prepared food and drink to sample different types. The same shopper can listen to a dragon story, walk through the garden nest, listen to the Heartsinger and drummer and generally entertain oneself at the games, pitting one’s strength and skill against another of either the same or a different species.

The market offers a unique experience and I am guessing that a lot of readers would love to spend some time there.


  1. Tricia Kessie on January 3, 2019 at 6:41 pm

    I would! And I’d buy at least one work of art and at least one cookie!