Brom and Glinarca

Brom, as you may know, is a fighter, a tool maker, and the hunter for the clan, the market and anyone who needs 🍖 meat or 🐠 fish. It relieves many others from also having to provide meat for themselves, so it is a valuable skill and he keeps the skins and sells them after they are tanned in his shop in the market.

Glinarca is a fighter, a strategist, and is opinionated about everything. She even has an idea that maybe she and Brom should share a nest since they are both unmated and both have youngsters. Brom manages not to scream in protest, but it is a close call. Later he admits Glinarca is a good friend, they have known one another for cycles, but he does not want to live with her.

I do not know about you, but I have many friends like that. I love them, truly I do, but I am very glad they live under a different roof.