I don’t know how it works in your house, but in mine the food gets better the closer you are to a major feasting holiday. For instance last night I made chicken Alfredo, with bread. This morning we had cheese blintzes. My cooking engines are revving up and will explode with turkey, ham, cheddar meatballs, relish trays, and green bean almondine. Those are only a few of the delicacies I am planning.
For us the importance of Thanksgiving has little to do with pilgrims, both sides came to this country as poor immigrants, working to make their way in a strange land and work with a strange language. Instead we are thankful for our freedom, for family, and for our ability to gather and celebrate in this great country together. More importantly it is a time of family.
For us that is a good thing, we happen to like one another. Three things are guaranteed at one of our family gatherings… it will be loud, there will be dogs, and there will be food, lots and lots of food.