Like most Americans today I wake up with a dreaded feeling about what kind of mess my country has gotten into overnight. I check in a couple of times a day to monitor the goofy drama of politics and make sure there isn’t something I need to know, like a hurricane, landslides, eruptions or some financial calimity about to strike. “Did we declare war on anyone today?” This is always a good question along with “What alliances have we broken, who have we alienated, and how politically isolated can we become before we are the target?” Then there are the more personal concerns… “Are we headed in the direction of a civil war? How divided is this country? Did he really say that? Did he mean that? Why are we dehumanizing more groups of people?”
I don’t know about all of you, but the issues are so muddled in corruption, in gamesmanship and drama, that the ideals that make this country great have been lost in the merchandising. So, before you unfriend your political opponents and turn a deaf ear to those with a different opinion, let the people remember that this country is a social experiment on self governance. You are this country! You set the tone, the conversation, the mistakes and the success.
Democracy… do you believe in it? Equality… do you believe in it? Go down the list, find some common ground before all this foolishness erupts and for goodness sakes, VOTE!