Grabon has an objection to weapons in the hands of his fighters. He never tells them it’s a bad idea, but he never encourages them to get to attached to one either. He doesn’t object to making use of a rock or a stick from the ground, but a special weapon he dismisses as impractical.
Is that a dragon thing or something Heron agrees with? Well Heron seems to agree and certainly doesn’t come out opposed to Grabon’s take on the matter. I think Heron views weapons the way I look at vases, they are decorative, and they can make my flowers really look nice, but my flowers can sit in a glass and still be flowers or I. And if up the plant and keep the whole thing alive.
The power the fighters of the combined territories have is so strong that a weapon is extra, it is fluff or a decoration, they are the weapons. With the right application, they can cause a person to explode or turn them to ash. They don’t need a special stick with a metal tip on it.