Dragon Nests

Some nests are made of sticks, some of mud, some of clay. Grabon’s is stones set in clay, others have stacked stone and wood. The universal thing about most nests is they are open to the air on top and shielded by power, but without a roof. Those particular dragons who want something different often choose a cave to nest in, shield out the damp and find ways to make the cave comfortable.

A comfortable cave, as far as a dragon is concerned is a matter of personal comfort. Some like it small, others larger. A single unmarked dragon will often build a small temporary nest in the hopes that he will meet his or her mate and they will build a nest together.

Nest making is a huge event for dragons, a milestone and something to celebrate. It is also a terrible chore since usually the dragon must build it himself unless his mate is assisting. The building of a territory nest, the first nest in a territory can take a long time. For a clan to have someone who knows how to build and assists with nestmaking is a treasure for everyone.