
Challenging visitors often merit a name, most some form of description, and a few are simply background noise. Having lived in a tourist destination, my personal industry not being involved with the many visitors to our town, that is how they all seemed, unless they caused a problem.

I applied the same principal to Grabon’s Territory. They were welcome to visit, spend their gold, learn the lessons and move on. Rarely did they leave an impression, unless they caused a problem or struck up a friendship with a local person.

The problem, as some readers have already detected, is that there seems to be a vast difference between the way dragon visitors and human ones are treated in the territory. At some point Grabon and Heron know that needs to be addressed, but they are putting it off.

How are humans going to feel being treated like dragon visitors? Or should the dragons have the same privileges as the human visitors? How is this going to be resolved?