Human Arrogance
Heron warns Grabon about the dangers of human arrogance, cautioning him that humans are no better than dragons when it comes to thinking they know everything, judge everything, especially what they do not fully understand. We see it all the time, one human presuming to know what is best for someone else and trying to make their choices for them.
Dragon arrogance is the same, yet different. Instead of trying to force others to do as they think it should be done, usually they wait happily anticipating failure so they can point out how their assessment was the correct one. To do otherwise is to break the rules.
Life teaches lessons, sometimes we are the learner and sometimes we are the lesson. The planet has a plan and moves her people how she thinks they are most needed. Does that mean his choice was a mistake, or was it part of the plan? If the past was different our future would not be HERE.
Dragon arrogance is believing that one dragon’s thoughts can out-think the planet’s plan.