Primitive Living
I have been lucky enough in my life to live with indoor running water, both hot and cold; but I have known other people who could not afford such luxuries. None of them were environmentalists, by the way, they were all poor. The same is true of those who had no electric service. It was never a matter of choice to do without in favor of planetary health and conviction.
However, when I thought of green living, with only a small impact on the environment in a situation like NewEarth, primitive living became an option. Any junk they brought either had to be biodegradable or repurposed. They didn’t want to start out collecting landfill garbage. EarthCorp wouldn’t be hauling supplies back and forth to OldEarth without making money off the deal and solar and wind generation takes all manner of equipment that could not be maintained without frequent off planet assistance. Can you imagine the cost of that service call?
Those first settlers probably tried to cheat a little, a solar powered charger, a mulching toilet, but what did they leave behind to fit it in their supplies? Hopefully it wasn’t an ax, a shovel or a hammer. Can you imagine trading the luxury of ready made nails for a piece of equipment that broke the first time you dropped it. When I started writing the prequel I made lists for choosing what to take for a new life in a plastic container. The shipping containers came in three sizes, 4X8, 6X8, and 8X8. I am also sure they had a weight limit. All shipping does and space ships would be no different.
I love watching places being built and growing to meet the new requirements. Still hoping to see a proto-school!
Keep watching! It may not be what you expect, but keep watching.
This is so interesting, Julia. The research you must be doing would intimidate me!