2020 Plague: A Beginning
When the humans of old Earth faced their first plague in 2020, the global population began to split themselves into 4 distinct categories. It was hard to imagine where those categories would eventually go, but little by little as things devolved on the planet the separations became clearer and more distinct.
In the beginning their were those that denied the illness existed and refused to follow the health precautions that were recommended. There were those that searched for someone to blame; politics, other countries, leaders, religion, even the media was blamed at one point. Another group sheltered in place at the advice of the experts, hoping the virus would pass over their house and used technology to interact with others, doing what they could to keep the economy going. The last group saw how the planet flourished at the reduced impact of human technology and a seed was planted, presuming that human technology held the planetary seeds of destruction.
So as a result of that first global plague of 2020, the people began a division among themselves. Later after several plagues, radiation accidents, and environmental control experiments that never accomplished what they intended, people found themselves drawn to one of the groups. As time went on, the group think took over and messaging became clearer.
The first group was filled with those that denied the existence and importance of science in favor of mysticism, faith, and magical thinking. Of course anyone who disagreed with them was a heretic and condemned for eternity. They were an exclusive group who insisted that only they knew the right way to live. They were subdivided many times on every continent and often publicly debated and argued with one another.
The second group believed conquering science gave humans godlike powers and dominion over the natural world. They believed that what was on or in the planet was gifted to the humans and they should be able to use it for their own reasons. They did not believe in protecting the planet unless it was for future use.
The third group was huge and wanted to use science to to make money, advance technology to make money, and expand our scientific understanding to weaponize nature and make even more money. Instead of a deity of unimaginable power, they worshiped the world of capitalism and self advancement.
The last and fourth group wanted to use and advance science to save the resources of the planet. They wanted to clean the air, rebuild the stores of resources in the ground, legislate against weather control, and legislate against those who damaged the planet we all had to share.
It was a conflict that eventually drove humans to explore other planets to harvest resources. An accident on one of those planets led to a “Greeny” colony on NewEarth. With time and acceptance from a knowing planet, Heron eventually met Grabon and the two traveled together, the first human and dragon companions. And so our stories began. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076YDJD7S?notRedirectToSDP=1&ref_=dbs_mng_calw_0&storeType=ebooks