Genre debate and discussion

I had several interesting responses from genre questions from readers and also my editor JoSalle.

First reader to respond! —My pick for theme is cooperation, which is close to friendship and hope. I love the way both
species work together to build a new culture, so far from their original homes.

As for genre, I might put it in the group of utopian societies, begun by my hero, Sir Thomas

Another reader— It is fairytale or myth like in life lessons.

JoSalle – I hadn’t even thought about utopian literature! But it is. I think paranormal romance may not fit because that usually applies to things like vampires, shapeshifters, etc. (Now if Grabon was a dragon shifter and Pia was human, or vice versa, it would fit.) Urban fantasy would also take place in developed cities rather than a frontier setting. So if you wrote a book set in one of the colonies and it’s very built up, it would be urban fantasy. Not sure it would classify as mythic. I think Western, utopian literature, family saga fantasy, and fantasy romance especially fit.

Another reader —fantasy /romance or science /fiction with a splash of romance.

You can contact me however you like and I will add your response to the debate. Let me know whether I should include your name.